Why hot pants are hot again

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In the words of Paris Hilton, “That’s Hot”.  And right now, there is no other way to describe the fashion trend that has come back to life. HOT PANTS: once a popular fad of the 1970’s, now a growing phenomenon among celebrities, runway, and mainstream shoppers.  Although these tight, underwear-like, shorts seem a tad inappropriate, they do serve a purpose.  The hot pant was originally designed to emphasize the butt and the legs.  Today, the high-waisted shorts have made a come back and are being sported by only the trendiest, most popular, girls in town.  The shorts have been such a hit, that the designs and fabrics have become even more funky and stylish than they were the first time around. Seen on Miley Cyrus (top right), her high-waisted hot pants are furry. YES, that is fur Miley’s sporting around NYC on a hot summer day.  Next to her we have Katy Perry who isn’t afraid to flaunt her country’s spirit all over her butt.  On the bottom right, Chanel Iman schools the rest of the girls on how to wear the hot pants while still keeping her cool at Coachella.  And of course, these shorts wouldn’t serve a purpose if Beyonce wasn’t on board.  Overall, I think it’s safe to say you can test out the hot pants if you want without having to be fearful of the strange looks you would expect (CAUTION: this fashion trend applies to big cities only.  This excludes anything that sounds like Topeka, Kansas or Boise, Idaho. You may get the strange looks there.)

If you don’t believe that the fad has come back, just take a look at the Fall/Winter 2013 fashions that have graced the runway.  Leave it to Marc Jacobs to perfect the hot pant!

NYFW - Marc Jacobs - Runway

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